There are several apps available that can help identify birds.

1. Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab – This app uses artificial intelligence to identify birds based on photos or descriptions of their physical features, behaviors, and sounds. It features a comprehensive library of birds found in North America, Europe, and Australia.

2. eBird by Cornell Lab – This app allows users to keep track of their own bird sightings and explore nearby sightings by other eBird users. It also includes information about bird species and their locations all over the world.

3. Audubon Bird Guide – Audubon Bird Guide is a comprehensive field guide and bird identification app that features over 800 species found in North America. It includes photos, descriptions, and sounds of birds to help users identify them.

4. BirdNET – This app allows bird watchers to record bird sounds and helps them identify the specific species based on the audio recording. BirdNET is powered by artificial intelligence and can identify birds from around the world.

5. iBird Pro Guide to Birds – This app is designed for serious bird watchers and includes extensive information on over 900 species of birds found in North America. It includes a search function based on physical appearance, and an advanced filter feature that helps narrow down the identification options.

In summary, these bird identification apps are a useful tool for bird watchers or ornithologists, and they help make bird identification more accessible and accurate.


1. Convenient: Bird identification apps are handy for identifying birds and can be used anywhere.

2. Accurate: Bird identification apps use different identification methods, including algorithms, sound recognition, and photo recognition, to provide precise information on birds.

3. Efficient: With a bird identification app, users can identify birds quickly without manually searching through books and field guides.

4. Educational: Bird identification apps also provide users with valuable information about birds, including their habitats, behaviors, and feeding habits.

5. Multi-Platform Compatibility: Most bird identification apps are compatible with different devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.


1. Cost: Some bird identification apps require a one-time purchase, while others have ongoing subscription costs, which can be expensive.

2. Dependence on Technology: Bird identification apps require a device like a smartphone or tablet, which may not be ideal for birdwatchers who prefer to disconnect from technology when outdoors.

3. Incorrect Identification: Although bird identification apps are mostly accurate, there is still the potential for errors, especially when using photos of birds taken in poor lighting conditions or from odd angles.

4. Poor Connection: In areas with poor internet connectivity, bird identification apps may not function correctly or provide inaccurate results.

5. Limited Region: Some bird identification apps may be limited to specific regions or continents, restricting their usefulness for travelers or birdwatchers in different geographic locations.


Overall, bird identification apps can be an asset for birdwatchers or naturalists, providing them with accurate and detailed information about birds. However, there are limitations and costs associated with using these apps. It’s advisable to use them as a supplementary tool and always verify any identification results with additional sources before finalizing any conclusions.


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