How to Disable the “Shared with You” Feature on Your iPhone

Are you annoyed by the “Shared with You” feature on your iPhone? This feature, which was introduced in iOS 15, automatically saves content that has been shared with you in the Messages app to a special section in the corresponding app. While it can be useful in some situations, it can also clutter up your app and make it difficult to find the content that you actually want to see. In this guide, we will show you how to turn off the “Shared with You” feature on your iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your iPhone

The first step to disabling the “Shared with You” feature is to open the Settings app on your iPhone. You can find the Settings app on your home screen.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on the corresponding app

Once you have opened the Settings app, you will need to scroll down until you find the app that you want to turn off the “Shared with You” feature for. For example, if you want to turn off the “Shared with You” feature for the Photos app, you would need to scroll down until you find the Photos app.

Step 3: Turn off the “Shared with You” feature

Once you have selected the app that you want to turn off the “Shared with You” feature for, you will need to look for the “Shared with You” section. This section should be located towards the bottom of the screen. To turn off the “Shared with You” feature, simply toggle the switch next to it to the off position.

Step 4: Repeat for other apps (optional)

If you want to turn off the “Shared with You” feature for other apps, simply repeat steps 2 and 3 for each app that you want to turn off the feature for.

That’s it! You have successfully disabled the “Shared with You” feature on your iPhone. Now, you won’t have to worry about the clutter caused by this feature in the apps on your iPhone.


  1. What is the “Shared with You” feature on the iPhone?
  • The “Shared with You” feature is a new feature introduced in iOS 15 that automatically saves content that has been shared with you in the Messages app to a special section in the corresponding app.
  1. Why would I want to disable the “Shared with You” feature on my iPhone?
  • Some users may find that the “Shared with You” feature clutters up their apps and makes it difficult to find the content they actually want to see. Disabling this feature can help to reduce clutter and make the iPhone experience more organized.
  1. Can I turn off the “Shared with You” feature for all apps at once?
  • No, the “Shared with You” feature must be turned off individually for each app that you want to disable it for.
  1. Will disabling the “Shared with You” feature delete any content that has already been saved to the corresponding app?
  • No, disabling the “Shared with You” feature will not delete any content that has already been saved to the corresponding app. It will simply prevent new content from being automatically saved to the app.
  1. Can I turn the “Shared with You” feature back on after disabling it?
  • Yes, you can turn the “Shared with You” feature back on at any time by following the same steps outlined in this guide and toggling the switch back to the on position.


Disabling the “Shared with You” feature on your iPhone is a simple process that can help you to reduce clutter in your apps and make it easier to find the content that you actually want to see. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily turn off this feature and enjoy a cleaner, more organized iPhone experience.


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